Saturdays - August 16 to September 27, 2025, (6 weeks)
At 9pm GMT
9pm in London, 10pm in Europe, 1pm in LA, 4pm in Toronto, 8am on Sunday in Sydney and 10am on Sunday in Auckland.
OR: 7am GMT
8am in London, 9am in Europe, 3pm in Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong & Tokyo, 6pm in Sydney and 8pm in Auckland.
Next year we are offering two Zoom class time options. This will be particularly good for the Europeans and those in the UK, who are getting a morning Zoom option, and those in Western Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and China who are getting a daytime Zoom rather than one in the middle of the night.
As well as the Zooms, the courses comprise on-demand videos and blog-posted assignments on your personal chart. These assignments are consciousness exercises to onboard the planet's energy. Under the new structure both Zoom groups will post their assignments on the same blog, and the recordings of both Zooms will be available to the members of both groups.
Course Content
This course will explore Salacia in your personal chart and the charts of the other class members.
Salacia encourages in us a deep sensitivity and a genuine love of life and humanity. She enables us to weather the real and psychic storms in our lives. So, she helps us handle deeply difficult and troubling matters more easily and gives us the capacity to bring something new into the world.
She gives us the power to foresee opportunities, evaluate them, and find the appropriate time to embrace them. Especially when the commitment feels risky and we know we are going to be profoundly transformed by the experience. She enables us to take the leap of faith required in this transformation, because we know in our heart it is right for us.
Everything is a process for Salacia. Processes are connected by the development that occurs along the way. Each part of the process prepares for the next part, so when we are in tune with where we are in our process, we know exactly what to do next.
In any process there are key moments where our interaction can materially affect the outcome. We know that if we make our move too early or too late it won’t be as effective. Choosing the moment is more about allowing the flow of moments and seizing the opportunity when it arises. We have to be patient yet ready to act. And we will know in our heart when it is the right time.
Salacia is all about intimate relationship and she can give us an animal magnetism. At the top level this can bring true love into our lives. However at the personal planet level this is more likely to be expressed through an erotic fascination or interest, or we could indulge in socially unacceptable, maybe even illicit, sexual activity.
At this level we might feel that we are not in control or not able to change a situation. Or we might be so desensitised by the experiences in our lives, that we have an inability to feel pleasure. We could also be relationship phobic, certain that we will be unable to find the right person and unwilling to make the compromises to make it work, if we did. Or we might develop a practice of hiding, just at the right time to avoid commitment or confrontation.
At this ego-centred level, we might also get involved in indiscreet talk and be unable to keep a secret. Or we could be prone to exaggeration, or the distortion of facts and visions, attempting to use these as a shield to keep us safe. We have a natural cunning which enables us to get by through being smart with our words.
Or we could project our issues unconsciously onto others, so we can play them out in the real world. Or we might find that others are projecting their issues onto us. As a result we might feel attacked by our lives and have to be careful of turning to alcohol to handle this overload because, if we do, we are likely to become dependent on it.
As we develop spiritually however, she makes us want to be better than we would otherwise be, and we may well experience a religious awakening. We could also be into parapsychology and study psychic phenomena such as hypnosis, telepathy, near-death experiences, synchronicity, or apparitional experiences.
At this level we are able to remove the barriers to happiness in our lives, and we learn to approach life with an easy sense of humour and wit that helps us get through difficult times. Humour enables us to let go of shadow by being light hearted. We learn not to take ourselves or others so seriously and this lightness enables a tension release which both protects us and assists our growth.
Timing is everything in comedy, but also in Salacia’s approach to life. Timing for what? In the case of comedy, it is time for the audience to be ready for the next gag or line. But similarly in any other area, it is timing for the others involved to be ready for the initiative we propose. At this spiritual level we sense the best time for each step of the process in which we are involved.
And at the spiritually evolved level, our sensitivity can open us to psychic perceptions. At this level we have the self-awareness to work with the unseen and take the leaps-of-faith required in our growth. Enthusiasm and emotional power are our hidden talents, and we may have a personal interface with the supernatural.
At this top level Salacia is about bringing true love into our lives and empowering us spiritually. True love sustains us through its presence and constancy, giving us a tenacity and resourcefulness as we meet the challenges of each moment. At this level, she enables us to do work which will appeal to everyone and be popular even if it is confrontive.
Price Buster - by July 1: NZ$180 (about US$120) - Earlybird - by Aug 1: NZ$225 (about US$150) - Full Course Fee: NZ$270 (about US$180)
Course Format:
This course mixes webinars, blog-posted assignments and live Zoom Q&As, so you can attend from anywhere in the world.
We start with a live Welcome Q&A and we will explore Salacia's House position in the first fortnight, her aspects in the second fortnight and transits in the third. Each fortnight will include an instructional webinar, an investigative assignment based on your personal chart and a live 2 hour Zoom Q&A session.
Assignments will be posted on a private forum so we can learn from and comment on posts from our fellow course members. And the Q&A sessions will be recorded so you can pick up classes you miss.
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$270.00 Regular Price
$180.00Sale Price
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