Fridays - April 25 to June 6, (6 weeks)
This course will have one Zoom class option at 9pm GMT
9pm in London, 10pm in Europe, 1pm in LA, 4pm in Toronto, 8am on Sunday in Sydney and 10am on Sunday in Auckland.
This course is the exception to our new two Zoom-time structure, as it will only be offered in our existing time-slot, 9pm GMT, because we don't expect enrolment numbers to enable the two Zooms. If enrolments do reach the number to enable the second Zoom we will reach out to see which of our European and UK students would like a morning Zoom option. Let us know if you are interested in this.
As well as the Zooms, the courses comprise on-demand videos and blog-posted assignments on your personal chart. These assignments are consciousness exercises to onboard the planet's energy.
Course Content
This course is taught by Melissa Billington, using Alan Clay's on-demand webinars on Ceres, so you get the best of both teachers.
"I would love if you'd join me in exploring Ceres in 2025. I feel like her story is a key to re-looping the energies of the TNO's back into our bodies and lives. Alan sees Ceres as the higher octave of the Moon and Sedna as the higher octave of Ceres, so by harmonics we can integrate the most intimate (the Moon) with the most remote (Sedna) by way of our daily nurturing of self and others, including our Earth (Ceres)." Melissa Billington.
This course will explore Ceres in your personal chart and the charts of the other class members. We'll look at the house placement and the aspects and research our transits as we understand how to go with the flow and nurture abundance in our lives.
Ceres has to do with nurturing and with life. She is a baby planet, who has been misunderstood till now as part of the rocky asteroid family, rather than the Earth’s life-supporting family. So, she talks about early development and the growth process and not taking things for granted.
She represents the ability to nurture a bountiful harvest in our affairs and also the famine and desolation that comes when we are out of balance in our lives. She represents the process of allowing love and also withdrawal of affection and the accompanying loss and grief. She also represents the process of withdrawal to cleanse and purify.
Difficult aspects show challenges to our ability to feel safe and show us areas where we need to honour the rhythms of nature and to feed and nourish ourselves. And because of her association with loss, compromise, rage and grief, she can also bring crises where we must give in and surrender, often releasing deep emotion.
She has divine power, but it is not recognized by mortals and so she is not allowed to practice it. Once we get on the spiritual path however, this divine power can be recognized in the give and take of energy in each day as we go about our lives… the divine flow of give and take.
At the highest level she represents a rebalancing of the receptive female and assertive male energies in us all. She asks us to be adaptable to the changes in our lives and to nurture ourselves and our environment. At this level the give and take with the universe is a seamless divine flow where the nourishment available matches the needs of each moment.
In our charts, she shows how best we feel nurtured and how best we can nurture others, providing love and comfort. And she shows how well we go with the flow. She can represent either a spiritual starvation, or a sense of peace and beauty in the truth of the physical world that surrounds us.
She is frequently about a change in the balance of power. In myth she was abused by the patriarchy, but she was able to shift the balance of power in her favour by withdrawing her love. So she gives us the ability to refuse to buy into power structures which are not in our interests.
Price Buster - by March 1: NZ$180 (about US$106, EU100) - Earlybird - by April 1: NZ$225 (about US$132, EU125) - Full Course Fee: NZ$270 (about US$159, EU151)
Course Format
This course mixes webinars, blog-posted assignments and live Zoom Q&As, timed so you can attend from anywhere in the world.
We start with a live Welcome Q&A and we will explore Ceres's House position in the first fortnight, her aspects in the second fortnight and transits in the third. Each fortnight will include an instructional webinar, an investigative assignment based on your personal chart and a live 2 hour Zoom Q&A session.
Assignments will be posted on a private forum so we can learn from and comment on posts from our fellow course members. And the Q&A sessions will be recorded so you can pick up classes you miss.
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$270.00 Regular Price
$180.00Sale Price
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