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Just Released!

The Astrology of Haumea

This is the first of a series of textbooks on the astrology of the new dwarf planets, based on the research at the Dwarf Planet University.

Probably the most valuable section is the house interpretations, looking at how Haumea manifests in our daily lives with example case studies.

There is also a workbook to locate and on-board this new energy in your chart. And a section introducing each of the dwarf planets to put Haumea in context.

Click the book image to find it on Amazon


Sun sextile Jupiter, square Makemake

Writer: AlanAlan

I hope you are enjoying today's Sun trine Saturn & sextile to Jupiter. The Sun is also conjunct Mercury, which is traditionally considered not favourable for ideas and communication because the Sun overpowers Mercury. And this overpowering of our ideas by our will, is aggravated today by Neptune siting stationary retrograde. So our vision may be confused and we may not be able to see clearly how to proceed.

However the Sun Mercury conjunction is sextile Jupiter, trine Saturn, and also square to Makemake. So, if we can sort out our ideas, we do have the ability to expand the structure of our lives today. The other challenge is the square to Makemake. As well as sorting out our ideas, we have to understand the context in which those ideas are going to play out.

With Makemake still inconjunct both Jupiter and Saturn, as I talked about in the last blog post, reminding us that our understanding of the context in which we live - our model of the world on which we base our decisions - is central to how well our ideas and communications will be received.

Remember, we can think of Makemake — a quick-witted, quasi-trickster, who can give us a devotional focus bordering on genius — as the higher octave of Uranus, which traditionally is the higher octave of Mercury. We see the focus on mental ability and trickster tendencies in all three of these bodies.

If Mercury’s ideas and communications are networked into the collective consciousness by Uranus, then Makemake talks about the culture or the nation that is addressed by that network. Makemake gives Uranus’s intuitive impulses meaning and context which transforms our understanding of his unexpected ways. And Uranus’s lateral web gives Mercury’s detail an energetic network to organize and connect his information.

Higher Octave Case Study

Now, if these three planets are higher octaves of one another, we would expect to find them singing in chorus in major events in our lives. Let’s examine these three octaves in the chart of the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, Alan Turing, for the date his seminal paper was received by the London Mathematical Society, May 28, 1936.

“Ladies will take their computers for walks.”

Alan Turing was an English mathematician, cryptologist, and philosopher who worked for Britain’s codebreaking centre during WW2. He is credited with formalising the concepts of algorithm and computation with his Turing Machine, which broke the German code. Almost 100 years ago he predicted, “One day ladies will take their computers for walks in the park and tell each other, ‘My little computer said such a funny thing this morning.’”

In his natal chart, Turing has Uranus conjunct his MC, with Makemake conjunct his ASC and Mercury in the 2nd house. Makemake is semi-sextile Mercury and trine Uranus, so the three octaves are actively aligned with each other and with the angles in his chart. On the day his seminal paper was received, transiting Uranus in the 12th was closely sextile his natal Mercury in the 2nd, and transiting Makemake was conjunct his Mercury, within 2°. So, we can see right there, the resonance between these three planets.

Transiting North Lunar Node in the 8th house of shared energies and resources was semi-sextile his natal Uranus–MC conjunction, reiterating the reception of his paper as a fateful turning point in his life. While transiting Mercury in the 1st was also sextile his natal Sedna, the planet that I suggest rules AI, in his 12th house of institutions. At the same time, Uranus was transiting through his 12th house, activating both the other octaves, sextile his natal Mercury and semi-sextile his Makemake.

The importance of Makemake is especially emphasized, with transiting Sun in the 1st house closely conjunct his natal Makemake and transiting Makemake conjunct his natal 2nd-house Sun within 3°. Makemake was also transiting closely sesquiquadrate his Part of Fortune, semi-sextile his ASC, and conjunct his Mercury within 2°, with the conjunction becoming exact over the next few years as he realized his seminal ideas. So, we clearly see the resonance between these three planets.

Makemake Scholarships

If you want to embrace the higher understanding represented by Makemake in your chart, jump into our popular Makemake 101 course, which is starting on July 22. In this newsletter I am releasing the last few scholarships on this course, so get in quick to secure one of these.

The Astrology of Haumea

And once again thanks to everyone who participated in our launch download, or has bought paperback or Kindle copies of our new book! We now have six 5-star reviews on Amazon. Thank you so much for this support! This sort of help, or just talking to your friends about it, is so valuable in spreading the word about these new consciousness energies.

I've just seen the first industry review, which will be coming out next month in the ISAR Journal and it speaks highly of the book, calling it "priceless information". We'll bring these reviews to you as they come out, but you can already check out the ones on Amazon by clicking the book image below.

Join us if you can on the Makemake course, and thanks for your work on-boarding these new consciousness energies in your life.

Love and laughter


"As one returning to astrological study after decades away, I find Alan’s instruction fun and informative, and the classroom format a gift of shared learning for everyone participating. Alan has created a safe and supportive space where anyone, at any level of knowledge, can thrive and shine. His obvious love of this work illuminates its presentation. I echo the comments of others, “Best astrology classes ever!” - Nalini MacNab, USA


The Astrology of Haumea, Neptune's Higher Octave

This is the first of a series of textbooks on the astrology of the new dwarf planets, based on the research at the Dwarf Planet University. Probably the most valuable section is the house interpretations, looking at how Haumea manifests in our daily lives with example case studies. There is also a workbook to locate and on-board this new energy in your chart. And a section introducing each of the dwarf planets to put Haumea in context.

5 out of 5 stars - Awing & Accessible.

I got goosebumps just reading the introduction… Alan Clay is doing us all a great service: he manages to name and describe the newly discovered dwarf planets and their relevance, in a way that’s both dazzling and succinct. One doesn’t need to be an astrologer to benefit from this book, or his book on Sedna. Alan Clay has an innate capacity to link us with the far out planets in a humble and grounded way. It’s truly frontier work. Amazon review




The Dwarf Planet University is founded by New Zealand astrologer, Alan Clay. 


info (at)

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© 2019 to 2021 by Artmedia. 

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