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Just Released!

The Astrology of Haumea

This is the first of a series of textbooks on the astrology of the new dwarf planets, based on the research at the Dwarf Planet University.

Probably the most valuable section is the house interpretations, looking at how Haumea manifests in our daily lives with example case studies.

There is also a workbook to locate and on-board this new energy in your chart. And a section introducing each of the dwarf planets to put Haumea in context.

Click the book image to find it on Amazon

Writer's pictureAlan

Quaoar square North Node

We had a fantastic response to our new two-zoom-option on the courses which we launched in the last newsletter, with even enrolments across both Zoom times on Ixion. And to celebrate Jupiter turning retrograde yesterday we have a one-off special today on the Quaoar course which is also running in the first course bracket next year.

But first let's look at the current transits. I hope you have been enjoying the Venus trine Mars, and Mercury trine Jupiter we've been having over the last couple of days. Our attractive power and our assertive ability have been working together, while our ideas and communication are bringing us luck and opportunity. Jupiter is stationary retrograde however, so we will increasingly have to be resourceful to enable new opportunities in our lives in these next months, and we will likely mainly expand within those opportunities that we have already established.

Luckily we also have the North Node square Quaoar at the moment, which is  the higher octave of Jupiter. Quaoar is our new planet of spirit consciousness, able to call spirit into our lives through a practice. In myth, Quaoar sings and dances the world into existence. Song and dance are practices that call spirit into our lives, as are activities like meditation, yoga, bush walks, and even sport. Anything can be a practice to enrich our lives with spirit. So with the current square to the North Node, the destiny we are creating is challenging us to find a practice to bring spirit into our material world.

Both Jupiter and Quaoar talk of expansion and of new possibilities, but where Jupiter expands through a mix of luck and a hunger for more, Quaoar repolarises Jupiter so we can see the new opportunities and deftly take the appropriate action to enable the expansion that is possible in each moment. Where Jupiter is a sort of dumb luck, Quaoar turns each moment into a dynamic meditation, where we can see the opportunities and act on them in real time. So, Quaoar is like smart luck.

To enable this smart luck in our lives we need to learn to say yes to opportunity. We have to see the opportunity and then act to embrace it, and both of these take practice. As many of you know, I've worked as an improvisation teacher for many years. Improvised theatre classes are very good for teaching us to say yes to opportunity. When we’re improvising with someone, we have to say yes to everything they offer, otherwise the magic of the story collapses. This is good practice for taking the Quaoar opportunities when we see them.

Quaoar started squaring the nodal axis in mid July and the square was exact at the beginning of August, so we are now having the long tail of this transit as the Nodes pause to give us time to work with, and integrate, our new spiritual practise. So, a practise that you started in August and that you have been perfecting for the last couple of months, is likely to be able to help you work constructively with the retrograde Jupiter in these next months.

And keep in mind that anything can be a spiritual practice. Reading this newsletter is a spiritual practice. I see the this aspect in my interpretation work on the course materials for our new Varda course. I started that work at the beginning of August, and the course is just about to commence in a couple of weeks. Preparing course materials is a spiritual practice, I have a way of doing it, so it is a practice, and doing it each day enriches my life with spiritual meaning.

As we develop spiritually, Quaoar enables us to experience the song and dance of spirit in everything and we understand that we are part of a rich chorus of spirit which underpins the physical world. This allows us to manifest spirit as required to bring order out of chaos and create harmony in our lives.

Jupiter Retrograde Quaoar Special

If you feel the call of song and dance and the value of practise, and you want to develop your ability to improvise with your life, come to our Quaoar course to work with a supportive group of astrologers on understanding this new consciousness in your personal chart. To encourage you and to celebrate Jupiter's station, I have a one-off Jupiter Retrograde Special Offer bringing the cost down even lower than our best Early Scholarships.

This course has our new structure with a choice of two Zoom times, giving the Europeans a new morning option, which is proving very popular. My long-time assistant, Melissa Billington, is stepping into the teaching role on this new Zoom session. The course also comprises on-demand videos and blog-posted assignments, which are consciousness exercises to help onboard Quaoar's energy. Under the new structure both Zoom groups post their assignments on the same blog, and the recordings of both Zooms are available to the members of both groups.

Join us if you can on Quaoar, and thanks for your work embracing these new aspects of consciousness. 

Love and laughter


"Mellissa brings fresh insights to the dwarf planets. With an open mind and delightful sense of humor, she guides us to explore our charts deeper and discover our own relationship with these enigmatic planets." Diana Vilas, US, evolutionary activist, author, astropsychologist and spiritual advisor.

"Alan Clay’s sensitive, cutting edge wisdom and the community sharing make the classes on the Dwarf Planets compelling and profound. They are as much an exploration as a revelation. Not only mentally stimulating, they are a deep dive into each of our psyche and growth experience. I love them and am looking forward to more." - Karen La Puma, Astrologer, Counselor, Speaker.

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