I hope you are enjoying today's conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in the last few minutes of Taurus. This is a real good times conjunction, which might also bring luck and opportunity.
Venus and Jupiter are also closely conjunct Sedna, which is in the first few minutes of Gemini, so the good times or the opportunity, could be coming from our heritage, or from our spiritual destiny. Something that our soul really wants to do in this life is currently being enabled.
The exact Jupiter-Sedna conjunction is in four days, but I'm not going to talk about it here, because we have good numbers already on our Sedna course so I don't need to promote it. But I will be discussing the conjunction with Wendy Stacey on her free "The Current Climate" Zoom next week. More on this below, and you can still join our Sedna course on the Earlybird deal to further enable your soul mission.
Higher Love
Today Mercury is also semi-sextile our planet of higher-love consciousness, Salacia, so we might learn of an opportunity to do a deal through someone we meet, or we could have a bright idea that starts a process which leads us to a great deal - a deal which, at the top level, can bring true love into our lives.
Salacia gives us the power to foresee opportunities, evaluate them, and find the appropriate time to embrace them: especially when the commitment feels risky and we know we are going to be profoundly transformed by the experience. She enables us to take the leap of faith required in this transformation, because we know in our heart it is right for us.
Everything is a process for Salacia. Processes are connected by the development that occurs along the way. Each part of the process prepares for the next part, so when we are in tune with where we are in our process, we know exactly what to do next. So, the deal we are sensing today may not yet be actually on the table, but we can likely see the process that will produce it.
Salacia is at 11 degrees Aries and she is coming up to a conjunction with the North Node at the beginning of July. So, if we are working on a longer term process, we might find that the deal actually comes together in a month or so.
If the Venus-Jupiter-Sedna conjunction is bringing deep soul work, the semi-sextile between Mercury and Salacia should be protecting us in this exploration, and enabling us to make light and love out of what we find.
Salacia gives us a deep sensitivity and a genuine love of life and humanity. This love enables us to weather both the material, as well as the psychic, storms in our lives, so she helps us handle deeply difficult and troubling matters more easily and gives us the capacity to bring something new into the world.
Once we get on the spiritual path, she enables us to remove the barriers to happiness in our lives, and we learn to approach life with an easy sense of humour and wit that helps us get through difficult times.
So if the Jupiter-Sedna conjunction is bringing a crisis of transcendence, you can use today's Mercury-Salacia semi-sextile to cultivate your lightness and remove the barriers to happiness in your life. Humour allows us to let go of shadow by being light-hearted. We learn not to take ourselves or others so seriously and this lightness enables a tension release which both protects us and assists our growth.
At the top level, Salacia is about bringing true love into our lives and empowering us spiritually. True love sustains us through its presence and constancy, giving us a tenacity and resourcefulness as we meet the challenges of each moment. At this level, she enables us to do work which will appeal to everyone and be popular even if it is confrontational.
Salacia Early Scholarships
A good way to enable your higher-love consciousness is to join our Salacia course which is starting at the end of August. And, to encourage you, I have a handful of early scholarships, which is our best deal (there we see the semi-sextile to Mercury), giving you the course for less than a third of the normal cost. Be quick to grab one.
Wendy Stacey's Current Climate Zoom
I will be discussing the Jupiter-Sedna conjunction in Gemini with Wendy Stacey on her free fortnightly The Current Climate Zoom next week, on Thursday 30th at 7pm UK time. Wendy is the principal of the Mayo School of Astrology in London, and she is also the chairperson of the UK Astrological Association, so I encourage you to register for her free Current Climate zoom, so you can either attend live or watch the recording.
Join us if you can on Salacia, and thanks for your work embracing these new aspects of consciousness.
Love and laughter
Alan Clay’s sensitive, cutting edge wisdom and the community sharing make the classes on the Dwarf Planets compelling and profound. They are as much an exploration as a revelation. Not only mentally stimulating, they are a deep dive into each of our psyche and growth experience. I love them and am looking forward to more. - Karen La Puma, Astrologer, Counselor, Speaker.