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Just Released!

The Astrology of Haumea

This is the first of a series of textbooks on the astrology of the new dwarf planets, based on the research at the Dwarf Planet University.

Probably the most valuable section is the house interpretations, looking at how Haumea manifests in our daily lives with example case studies.

There is also a workbook to locate and on-board this new energy in your chart. And a section introducing each of the dwarf planets to put Haumea in context.

Click the book image to find it on Amazon


Mars & NN inconjunct Orcus

Writer's picture: AlanAlan

I hope you are enjoying today's Mercury sextile Uranus. These are the lower and middle octaves of our intellect, so this is likely to be a buzzy day full of communications and interesting new contacts.

Mars is also sextile the North Node, with both inconjunct the planet of karmic consciousness, Orcus. The inconjuncts are fated aspects, because they flow sometimes and challenge at other times, and in the understanding or balancing of that, we grow in fated ways. 

Mars sextile the North Node is a flow between our actions and our destiny, so today we can make some moves that will create new karma. However the inconjuncts to Orcus suggest that this action will sometimes chime with our karmic needs, and at other times challenge us to clear some karmic debt to enable it. 

Liquid Light of Sex

We can see how this works in the work of Barbara Hand Clow, a well-known author and teacher who has written extensively on spiritual and metaphysical topics. She has an inconjunct between her Mars in the 5th house and Orcus in the 10th. 

She is a medicine woman of the Cherokee Indians and a member of the Mayan Council of Elders, and her work is aimed at helping individuals reconnect with their own inner wisdom and intuition in order to achieve greater health and well-being.

She has a degree in theology and medicine in which she studied a comparison of Jungian analysis techniques and past-life regression therapy. And she is well known for her book Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner & Outer Planets.

Her Mars in the 5th house inconjuct Orcus in the tenth took practical expression in her next book, Liquid Light of Sex, in which she addresses the crises and possibilities for change between the ages of 30 and 50 and particularly uses the planets Saturn, Chiron and Uranus.

In Liquid Light of Sex, she opens up new dimensions for understanding what occurs during these key life passages, which most of us experience three times in our lives.

In the author's words, "we form at age 30, we transform at age 40, and we transmute at age 50." Focusing on the transformation at age 40--the time of imbalance and spiritual confusion often referred to as the "midlife crisis"--she explores how kundalini energy, the liquid light of sex, can be creatively channeled by unblocking the chakras.

Here we see her Mars in the 5th, the planet of sex in the house of love, pushing her Orcus in the 10th in a fateful way to transmute the shadow side of that into light, by clearing our blockages and growing through our transitions. This is the power that Orcus gives us.

So today with the finger of fate between Mars, the North Node, and Orcus, it means that we can take action to create our destiny by removing blockages and transmuting the shadow in our lives into light and energy.

Last Orcus Scholarships

And, as luck will have it, I have a last couple of scholarships available on Orcus 101, starting in the next course bracket. Be quick to snag one. 

Our Ixion and Quaoar courses are into the aspect phase of their work of understanding these new consciousness energies. Next we move onto looking at them in our transits, where we see them manifesting in the events of our lives. That is when we really see them clearly in our personal experience and that empowers us to start working consciously with them.

Mercury will go retrograde as the present courses end, and we tend to have breaks at the Uni during the retrograde Mercury, because we need this time for reflection and absorption of what we are learning. So Eris and Orcus start as Mercury moves direct.

Join us if you can on the Orcus course, and thanks for your work embracing these new aspects of consciousness. 

Love and laughter


I absolutely loved the class! As a first time student of astrology, I can honestly say that aside from Alan  (a wonderful teacher and guide), every one of the students in the class was a teacher for me. I learned so much and can’t wait for the next class to begin. - Mary Anne Pitt, USA



The Dwarf Planet University is founded by New Zealand astrologer, Alan Clay. 


info (at)

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© 2019 to 2021 by Artmedia. 

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