Orcus 101 - 2024
Welcome to the Orcus course! Here you can connect with other students, get updates, watch videos and post assignments.
Changing your nickname:
You can update your profile under the Students tab and if you want to change the nickname the classroom has given you, this is how you do it:
Go to your Account by clicking on your image at the top right of any page on the site (between the shopping cart and bell for notifications) and then clicking 'Account'. On the left side of your Account page there will be a box with your picture or image (if you have uploaded one), and under that is the name the group displays for you. Click the edit button and change it to whatever you like, then click save.
Notification Settings:
If you want to adjust your notification settings, click the three dots at the top right side of the classroom, and then click notifications. Please don’t turn them all off however, because all information on the events and process of the class will come through notifications from this group.
If you are not receiving notifications, check your spam folder and enable mail from: Dwarf Planet Astrology ( notifications@groups.wix.com )
Here is the Course Schedule:
Orcus Welcome and Introduction
4 May, 21:00 GMT
Zoom Meeting
This class will provide an introduction to the course and an opportunity to get to know Alan and your other class mates, as well as provide an open Q&A session for all those burning questions. - This meeting will occur in the new Orcus Zoom classroom here: (link will be provided here prior to the start).
Orcus House Webinar posted
5 May, 1:00 GMT
Course Blog & Video tabs
This webinar will provide an overview of the astrological meaning of Orcus and look at the 12 house interpretations. The Houses are where we see this energy manifesting most clearly in our personal lives.
Orcus House Assignment due
11 May, 21:00 GMT
Course Blog
Watch the webinar interpretation of your Orcus House position and in a post on the class blog, simply let us know what, if anything, you related to in the interpretation and tell us how you see it manifesting in your life. And please also mention any other ways you see it manifesting.
Orcus House Q&A
18 May, 21:00 GMT
Zoom Meeting
Alan will talk about the assignments and this is your chance to ask anything that has come up in the work on Houses. This meeting will occur in the Orcus Zoom classroom here: (link will be provided here prior to the start).
Orcus Aspect Webinar posted
19 May, 1:00 GMT
Course Blog & Videos tabs
The aspects show us how our ability to transmute shadow into light is variously enabled and/or challenged. In this webinar the aspects of case studies will be presented and interpreted.
Orcus Aspect Assignment due
25 May, 21:00 GMT
Course Blog
Watch the case studies aspect webinar and in a post on the class blog please tell us how you see your Orcus variously enabled and/or challenged by the aspects in your chart. Please talk about the planets in each aspects and the area of life - house - in which it acts.
Orcus Aspect Q&A
1 June, 21:00 GMT
Zoom Meeting
Alan will talk about the assignments and this is your chance to ask anything that has come up in the work on aspects. - This meeting will occur in the Orcus Zoom classroom here: (link will be provided here prior to the start).
Orcus Transit Webinar posted
2 June, 1:00 GMT
Course Blog and Videos tabs
The transits of Orcus, and transits to our natal Orcus, reveals the unfolding potential for transmuting shadow into light in our lives. In this webinar the transits of case studies will be presented and interpreted.
Orcus Transit Assignment due
8 June, 21:00 GMT
Course Blog
Study the transiting cycles of Saturn and Pluto to your natal Orcus, especially conjunctions, oppositions and squares, & see how these relate to life events. Then do Orcus transits to your natal planets, these represent phases in our lives. Please share your discoveries in a post on the class blog.
Orcus Transit Q&A
15 June, 21:00 GMT
Zoom Meeting
Alan will interpret the current Orcus transits, and transits to natal Orcus, for the students who are live in the Zoom - This meeting will occur in the Orcus Zoom classroom here: (link will be provided here prior to the start).
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March 6, 2024
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